
Eurovision 1962 Norway:
Inger Jacobsen - "Kom sol, kom regn"

3.1 stars ★ 57 ratings


Eurovision 1962



Kom sol, kom regn

Kom sol, kom regn, kom hva som komme vil
Så lenge du er her
Kom sol, kom regn, så lenge vi finn's til
For deg, for meg, er lykken alltid nær

Regn blir til solskinn når du bare smiler mot meg
Vi to går sommerens vei
Kom sol, kom regn, hva kan vel skje når jeg
Har alt hva jeg kan ønske meg i deg

Jeg håpet mange gange: Det må komme en dag, min dag
Men tvilen sådde uro i mitt sinn
Min verden var så maset, og jeg fulgte med i dens jag
Men så kom du, og dа ble verden min

Kom sol, kom regn, det eneste jeg vet
Vår lykke blir hos osѕ når vi
Holder på vår kjærlighet

Come sun, come rain

Come sun, come rain, come what may come
As long as you are here
Come sun, come rain, as long as we exist
For you, for me, happiness is always close

Rain becomes sunshine when only you smile at me
The two of us walk along the path of summer
Come sun, some rain, what could happen when I
Have everything I could wish for in you

I hoped many times: A day must come, my day
But the doubt planted seeds of unease in my mind
My world was so stressful, and I went along with its rush
But then you came and then the world was mine

Come sun, come rain, the only thing I know
Our happiness remаins with uѕ when we
Hold on to our love

Norway 1962

Inger Jacobsen
Kom sol, kom regn
Eurovision Song Contest 1962 Luxembourg


  • Inger Jacobsen


  • Kjell Karlsen


  • Ivar Andersen




  • Odd Grythe
    Real name: Odd Horn Grythe
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