Eurovision 2016 Iceland:
Greta Salóme - "Hear Them Calling"
Hear Them Calling
Can you hear them calling
Oh they're calling out tonight
Now the skies are burning
Oh they burn so bright
We shiver as we step into
The cold cold night
Then we're running we are running now
I hear them calling me
I hear them whispering
They're singing oh we are coming home
I hear them calling me
I hear them howling
Singing oh we are coming home
See the shadows dancing
Oh they dance for us tonight
And as I'm tossing and I'm turning
Oh they come alive
We shiver as we step into
The cold cold night
Then we're running we are running now
I hear them calling me
I hear them whispering
They're singing oh we are coming home
I hear them calling me
I hear them howling
Singing oh we are coming home
Oh oh oh, Oh oh oh
Can you hear them?
I hear them calling me
Oh oh oh
Can you hear them?
I hear them calling me
Oh oh oh
I hear them calling me
I hear them whispering
I hear them calling me
We're coming home
I hear them calling me
I hear them whispering
I hear them calling me
Now i'm coming home
I hear them calling me
I hear them whispering
I hear them calling me
I hear them whispering
They're ѕinging oh we are coming home
Singing oh we аre coming home
Úti dansa skuggar
og þeir skríða á eftir mér.
Læðast inn í huga
minn og leika sér.
Og yfir svarta sandana
við stígum hægt.
Svo ég heyri þegar kallað er:
Ég heyri raddirnar
þær eru allsstaðar.
Ó leiðið okkur að lokum heim.
og yfir auðnina
og inn í nóttina
leiðið okkur að lokum heim.
Nístir inn að beini
napur vindur þenur sig
og það er sama hvað ég reyni
ó, hann fangar mig.
Og yfir svarta sandana
við ѕtígum hægt.
Svo ég heyri þegar kallað er:
Ó, ég heyri, ég heyri raddirnar
Ó, ég heyri, ég heyri raddirnаr