Iceland: Format for Söngvakeppnin announced
Two semi-finals and one final in Söngvakeppnin 2015 will decide Iceland's representative in Eurovision Song Contest in Vienna
258 songs has been submitted to the National Selection "Söngvakeppnin" in Iceland to the National Broadcaster Ríkisútvarpið (RÚV). 12 of them will fight for the coveted ticket to Iceland's effort to achieve its first victory in Eurovision Song Contest.
Iceland is the only Northern European country that has yet to win the Eurovision Song Contest. The country's best result is two second place finishes, with Selma in 1999 and Yohanna in 2009.
The two semi-finals will take place on 31 January and 7 February, while the big final will be held on 14 February.
The 12 finalists will be announced soon.