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Eurovision Stats

All the statistics of the Eurovision Song Contest

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Eurovision last places

Who finished last in Eurovision the most?


Number of last places relative to the total participations of the country.

How do we determine the last places?


  • No last places: The voting or places from Eurovision 1956 have never been made public.

1957 2003

  • Last place: If a country came last in Eurovision.

2004 ...

  • Last place: If a country came last in a semi-final.
  • Last place: If a country was pre-qualified for a final, and came last in the final.
  • Not last place: If a country qualified from a semi-final to a final. Reason: The country actually managed to qualify for the final, meaning there were countries in the same year that didn't manage to qualify for the final, and must have a worse result than the qualified countries.
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Eurovision Grand Final Qualify

Qualifications from Semi-final to Final

How do we determine the qualifications?

  • Included: If a country competed in both a semi-final and the final in the same year.
  • Not included: If a country was pre-qualified for the final: If a country hosted Eurovision that year, or was in the final due to a top-10 placement the previous year (the rules from 2004 to 2007, where the top-10 countries the previous year were pre-qualified for the final). If a country was disqualified before the final (Netherlands 2024).
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Who finished in Eurovision the most?

Places are only in Grand Finals

Places in Eurovision 1956

The voting or places from Eurovision 1956 have never been made public. Seven countries participated with two songs each. For statistical purposes, we have included one first place (Switzerland), and six second places (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands) in the table above.

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Eurovision Places by Country

Grand Final

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Number of countries

How many countries competed in Eurovision?

52 countries in Total

Order by:
43 countries
42 countries
41 countries
40 countries
39 countries
37 countries
36 countries
26 countries
25 countries
1993 29199419971998
24 countries
22 countries
21 countries
20 countries
19 countries
17 countries
16 countries
13 countries
12 countries
11 countries
10 countries
7 countries
1 countries

1993 & 1996: Pre-qualification rounds were held before Eurovision 1993 and 1996. The countries that didn't qualify for Eurovision these years (1993: 4 countries, 1996: 7 countries) are not included in the statistics.

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Eurovision Host Countries

Who hosted Eurovision the most?

Order by:
9 times:
United Kingdom · 
1960 · 1963 · 1968 · 1972 · 1974 · 1977 · 1982 · 1998 · 2023
7 times:
Ireland · 
1971 · 1981 · 1988 · 1993 · 1994 · 1995 · 1997
Sweden · 
1975 · 1985 · 1992 · 2000 · 2013 · 2016 · 2024
5 times:
Netherlands · 
1958 · 1970 · 1976 · 1980 · 2021
4 times:
Luxembourg · 
1962 · 1966 · 1973 · 1984
3 times:
Germany · 
1957 · 1983 · 2011
France · 
1959 · 1961 · 1978
Denmark · 
1964 · 2001 · 2014
Italy · 
1965 · 1991 · 2022
Israel · 
1979 · 1999 · 2019
Norway · 
1986 · 1996 · 2010
2 times:
Austria · 
Ukraine · 

Who hosted Eurovision on behalf of another country?

5 times:
United Kingdom · 
Netherlands won in 1959
France won in 1962
Monaco won in 1971
Luxembourg won in 1973
Ukraine won in 2022
1 time:
Germany · 
Switzerland won in 1956

Netherlands · 
Israel won in 1979
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Eurovision Records

The first winner of the Eurovision Song ContestEurovision
Switzerland 1956: Lys Assia - "Refrain"
The first ever song in the Eurovision Song ContestEurovision
Netherlands 1956: Jetty Paerl - "De vogels van Holland"
Longest song ever in the Eurovision Song ContestEurovision
Italy 1957: Nunzio Gallo - "Corde della mia chitarra"
5 minutes and 9 seconds
Youngest ever winner of the Eurovision Song ContestEurovision
Belgium 1986: Sandra Kim - "J'aime la vie"
Sandra Kim was just 13 years old when she won Eurovision 1986
Youngest ever main artist at the Eurovision Song ContestEurovision
France 1989: Nathalie Pâque - "J'ai volé la vie"
Nathalie Pâque from Belgium was just 11 years old when she represented France at Eurovision 1989
Eurovision song number 1000
Ireland 2006: Brian Kennedy - "Every Song Is A Cry For Love"
Shortest song ever in the Eurovision Song Contest Eurovision
Finland 2015: Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät - "Aina mun pitää"
1 minute and 27 seconds
Most points in a Eurovision Final
Portugal 2017: Salvador Sobral - "Amar pelos dois"
758 points
Eurovision song number 1500
Norway 2018: Alexander Rybak - "That's How You Write a Song"
Most televoting points in a Eurovision Final
Ukraine 2022: Kalush Orchestra - "Stefania"
631 points
The Eurovision song with the longest title ever
Estonia 2024: 5miinust & Puuluup - "(nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi"
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