Eurovision 1957 Results: Voting & Points
Eurovision 1957 Scoreboard
Eurovision Song Contest 1957 result: Netherlands won with the song "Net als toen" by Corry Brokken with 31 points

Date: Sunday 3 March 1957
Location: Großer Sendesaal des Hessischen Rundfunks, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Broadcaster: ARD
Hosts: Anaïd Iplicjian
Name: Grand Prix Eurovision de la Chanson Européenne 1957
Voting: Each participating country had 10 jury members, and each jury member could award one point to one song. A total of 100 points
Debuting countries: Austria, Denmark, United Kingdom
The first scandal in Eurovision history occurred in 1957 where the Danish singers Birthe Wilke and Gustav Winckler kissed for 11 seconds in the end of the song. Generating a furious reaction
Eurovision Song Contest is normally held every year in May. The earliest Eurovision date was in 1957, on 3rd March and the latest was in 1999 and 2010 when it was held on 29th May
The longest song in Eurovision Song Contest is Italy's "Corde Della Mia Chitarra" from 1957: 5 minutes and 9 seconds. After the contest, the rules were tightened so songs couldn't be longer than 3.5 minutes initially and later 3 minutes