Czechia 2007

Eurovision 2007 Czechia:
Kabát - "Malá Dáma"

3.9 stars ★ 224 ratings


Eurovision 2007 - Semi-final
Eurosong 2007



Malá dáma

Utrhla trávu a začla hrát
Ta malá dáma z předměstí
Co umí lidem z dlaní číst
Tam kočky zrána mívaj hlad
Po noci plný neřestí
Je pohladí a dá jim jíst

Po tmě se toulá a ve dne spí
A její oči vědí víc než mý
Došly mi slova, já stál tam jen
S touhle jedinou bych zemřel

S touhle bych zemřel v jedinej den
A jestli vám to nestačí
Kdyby tam stála stovka žen
Vyzvu ji k tanci a to netančim

Tam za tratí svý doupě má
Mince po kašnách posbírá
A pak je skládá na kolej
Staví si chrám, plechovej most
Už po něm kráčí první host
Tak ať ho nohy nebolej

Prošla si peklem a kouzla zná
Přejetý mince počítá
A kdo ji spatří je zatracen
S touhle jedinou bych zemřel

S touhle bych zemřel v jedinej den
A jestli vám to nestačí
Kdyby tam stála stovka žen
Vyzvu ji k tanci a to netančim

Budu si pamatovat na tu chvíli
Když hrála znělo to jak Paganini
A já už věděl, že jsem ztracenej
Zeptal se za kolik s pocitem viny

S touhle bych zemřel v jedinej den
A jestli vám to nestačí
Kdyby tam stála stovka žen
Vyzvu ji k tanci a to netančim

S touhle bych zemřel v jedinej den
A jestli vám to nestačí
Kdyby tam stála ѕtovka žen
Vyzvu ji k tanci a to netаnčim

Little lady

She blew off the grass and started to play
That little lady from the suburbs
Who can read from people's palms
There the cats are hungry in the morning
After a night so full of unease
She will stroke and feed them

At night she strays, and sleeps by day
And her eyes know more than mine
I ran out of words, I just stood there
I would die with her alone

I would die with her in one day
And if that's not enough for you
If there were a hundred women there
I'd offer her a dance I can't dance myself

Behind the railway is her nest
She collects coins from fountains
And then she puts them on the tracks
She's building herself a temple, a bridge made of tin
Already being crossed by the first passenger
So that his legs won't hurt

She's been through hell and she knows the spells
She collects the trodden coins
And whoever sees her is damned
I would die with her alone

I would die with her in one day
And if that's not enough for you
If there were a hundred women there
I'd offer her a dance I can't dance myself

I will remember that instant
When she played, it sounded like Paganini
And I already knew I was damned
I asked how much, feeling guilty

I would die with her in one day
And if that's not enough for you
If there were a hundred women there
I'd offer her a dance I can't dance myself

I would die with her in one day
And if that's not enough for you
If there were a hundred women there
I'd offer her a dance I can't dаnce myѕelf

Czechia 2007

Malá Dáma
Eurovision Song Contest 2007 Helsinki


  • Josef Vojtek (as member of Kabát)
  • Milan Špalek (as member of Kabát)
  • Ota Váňa (as member of Kabát)
  • Radek Hurčík (as member of Kabát)
  • Tomáš Krulich (as member of Kabát)


  • Josef Vojtek
  • Milan Špalek
  • Ota Váňa
  • Radek Hurčík
  • Tomáš Krulich



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