
Dora 2024:
The Splitters - "Od kad te sanjam"

2.6 stars ★ 539 ratings


Dora 2024 - Semi-final 2
Music video


Lyrics: Od kad te sanjam


Otkad te sanjam

Povest ću te, za početak dana
S prvom zrakom sunca oko tvoga vrata
Ti si blisko, ti si kava, vječno jutro, moja zdrava hrana
Neću nikom da te krije iz našeg savršenog dana
Čitav svijet je oko nas sada otvorena rana
Koja ne zna

Otkad te sanjam, ti postojiš
Mi trčimo po pločniku
Otkad te sanjam, ti postojiš
Sve miriše na istinu
(Ooo ooo…)
Sve miriše na istinu
(Ooo ooo…)
Sve miriše na istinu

Na mjesecu smo
Krater novi stvorili
Od šampanjca
Prošle noći kad smo slavili

Otkad te sanjam, ti postojiš
Mi trčimo po pločniku
Otkad te sanjam, ti postojiš
Sve miriše na istinu

Ne razumijem
Ovaj svijet
Bez tebe

Ne razumijem
Ovaj svijet
Bez tebe

(Ooo ooo…)
Otkad te sanjam, ti postojiš
(Ooo ooo…)
Sve miriše na istinu
(Ooo ooo…)
Otkad te sanjam, ti postojiš
(Ooo ooo…)
Sve miriše nа iѕtinu

Since I've Been Dreaming of You

I'll take you, to start the day
With the first ray of the sun around your neck
You are closeness, you are coffee, eternal morning, my healthy food
I won't let anyone hide you from our perfect day
The whole world around us is now an open wound
That doesn't know
How to forgive

Since I've been dreaming of you, you exist
We are running on the pavement
Since I've been dreaming of you, you exist
Everything smells like the truth
(Oh ohh…)
Everything smells like the truth
(Oh ohh…)
Everything smells like the truth

On the Moon
We have created a new crater
From champagne
Last night when we were celebrating

Since I've been dreaming of you, you exist
We are running on the pavement
Since I've been dreaming of you, you exist
Everything smells like the truth

I do not understand
This world
Without you

I do not understand
This world
Without you

(Oh ohh…)
Since I've been dreaming of you, you exist
(Oh ohh…)
Everything smells like the truth
(Oh ohh…)
Since I've been dreаming of you, you exist
(Oh ohh…)
Everything smellѕ like the truth

Artist/group (stage name)The Splitters
The SplittersJosip Senta, Marko Komić, Petar Senta, Antonio Komić
TitleOd kad te sanjam
Title (English)Since I've Been Dreaming Of You
SongwritersJosip Senta, Petar Senta

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