
Pesma za Evroviziju 22​:
Aca Lukas - "Oskar"

4 stars ★ 581 ratings


Pesma za Evroviziju 22​ - Final
Music video
Pesma za Evroviziju 22​ - Semi-final 1


Lyrics: Oskar



San, da l' je bio san
Ili sam te noćas stvarno video
Dar, kô sa neba dar
Ili sam se Bogu nešto svideo

Još jednom pojavi se
Da u život vratim se

Za Oskara sam glumio
Da ne žalim što sam te izgubio
Tražim te, još te dozivam
Ja lepotom tvojom predoziran

Znam, hteo sam da znam
Da l' je nešto od mene u tebi ostalo
Sve, menjao sam sve
Uličar i dripac, svetac postao

Još jednom pojavi se
Da u život vratim se

Za Oskara sam glumio
Da ne žalim što sam te izgubio
Tražim te, još te dozivam
Ja lepotom tvojom predoziran
Za Oskara sam glumio
Da ne žalim što ѕam te izgubio
Tražim te, još te dozivam
Ja lepotom tvojom predozirаn

The Oscars

A dream, was it just a dream
Or did I really saw you last night
A gift, like a gift from the sky
Or did God started liking me

Just show up one last time
So I can get back to life

I acted for the Oscars
So I wouldn't cry because I lost you
I search for you, I still call your name
Overdosed by your beauty

I know, I wanted to know
Is a part of me still in you
Everything, I changed everything
An idler and a fool became a saint

Just show up one last time
So I can get back to life

I acted for the Oscars
So I wouldn't cry because I lost you
I search for you, I still call your name
Overdosed by your beauty
I acted for the Oscars
So I wouldn't cry because I lost you
I search for you, I still call your name
Overdoѕed by your beаuty

Artist/group (stage name)Aca Lukas
ArtistAleksandar Vuksanović
ComposersSaša Mirković, Saša Nikolić
LyricistsMirjana Mijatović, Saša Nikolić

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