
Maltese Selection 1992:
Helen Micallef
"Mat-tnehid tal-mewg"

3.8 stars ★ 4 ratings


"Mat-tnehid tal-mewg" (Maltese Selection 1992 - Final)
"Yearning" (Maltese Selection 1992 - Final)


Lyrics: Mat-tnehid tal-mewg, Yearning


Mat-tnehid tal-mewġ

Fuq il-mewġ lubien il-gawwi jdur għajjien
Fuq il-blat hemm int u jien bil-qiegġda hawn kenjin
Bl-imħabba mhedijin

Konna sew henjin
Niġru t-tnejn ħafjin
Kwiet kwiet lejl u nhar
Hemm vojt kbir id-dar
Xtaqt li għadna żgħar
Kull ħsieb li kellna tar, mar

Ġera bijja ż-żmien
Ma għandi kwiet imkien
Niġri 'l hawn u 'l hinn
Kemm ikiddni l-ħsieb
Għadni bqajt bla ħbieb
Xejn ħlief tifkiriet
Baqa' biss wegħdiet
Qalbi mnikkta bkiet

Mat-tnehid tal-mewġ
Ħarsti nitfa' 'l bogħod
Dawn l-iljieli bla mistrieħ
Moħħi jhewden sħiħ
Kif kollox tar mar-riħ
Beda jroxx id-dawl
Noħroġ minn ġol-friex
Interraq tul l-għoljiet
Fil-beraħ tas-smewwiet
Leħnek jidwi sħiħ
Demgħa ma' ħaddejk
Ħiemda taħt riġlejk
Ersaq, tini jdejk
Leħnek jidwi sħiħ
Dawl leqqien f'għajnejk
Tbissima fuq xufftejk
L-irtuba ta' dirgħajk

Qbadt u tlaqt minn rajk
Ġrejt maljar malajr
Demgħa ma' ħaddejk

X' ħemda hawn xi ѕkiet
Ix-xemx f' daqqa ntfiet
Waħdi hawn fil-kwiet
Qаlbi tifkiriet


Try to understand, you've hurt me so bad
Think again; don't walk away, beside me come and stay
Let's start a brand new day

In no time at all memories I recall
Bring the truth to light, loving you is right
Don't stay out of sight; I'm coming home for you tonight

Let me here you say you'll be back to stay
Give it one more try, needing you close by
Together you and I, come along and see
What you mean to me, that's how it should be

Oh… oh… oh… oh…
Oh… oh… oh… la lalala…

All you hope today, said you were away
Loving you more than you know, it was such a blow
My hopes, my dreams so low

This dream in my head is making me so sad
Missing you so much, need your tender touch
Will you promise me, you can count on me?
We will wander free, that's how it should be

Love you more each day; I'm glad you came my way
I pray that you will stay
Yesterday has gone; it's you I'm living for
I ask for nothing more, will you promise me?

Walking in the park, lonely in the dark
There's no peаce of mind, it'ѕ you I hope to find

Artist/group (stage name)Helen Micallef
ArtistHelen Micallef
TitleMat-tnehid tal-mewg
"Mat-tnehid tal-mewg"

Eurovision News