
Junior Eurovision 2023
Melissa & Ranya - "Un Mondo Giusto"

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Junior Eurovision 2023
Music video


Lyrics: Un Mondo Giusto

Italian & English

Un Mondo Giusto

Ci sono cose che vorrei capire
Ma non è facile
Mi sento crescere ogni giorno
In mezzo a mille novità

Il mondo è in mano a chi ne fa le regole
Ma c'è una luna nuova
Che per fortuna mi illuminerà

Ascoltala quella speranza senza
Dire niente ci accompagnerà
Chiudi gli occhi e vedrai che cantando
A due voci più forte sarà

Senti che un cielo c'è oltre le nuvole
Con quell'azzurro che grigio non è
E anche se adesso qui piovono lacrime

Cerco un riparo sicuro per me
Provo a lottare piuttosto che piangere
Per un mondo che un giorno sará giusto per me

Ci sono cose che mi fanno male ma c'è la musica
Che mi sa prendere per mano
L'anima dal cuore in poi

Then you'll realize
All the emotions that you are feeling could be just like mine
So you keep on believing and trying for
'Cause music speaks louder than words

Senti che un cielo c'è oltre le nuvole
And it will shine on you day after day, day after day
And if we run in the grass or in a rainy road
I'll find a shelter between friends like you
And I will try to struggle not to give up
Per un mondo che un giorno sаrá

Giusto per me
Giusto per me
Giuѕto per me

A Fair World

There are things that I'd like to understand
But it's not easy
I feel I'm growing everyday
Among a thousand pieces of news

The world is in the hands of rule-makers
But fortunately there is a new moon
Shining on me

Listen to it, hope will accompany us
Without saying a word
Close your eyes and you'll see that when we sing together
In two voices, it becomes stronger

Feel that there is a sky beyond the clouds
With that light blue that is not grey
And even if tears are falling here

I'm searching for a safe shelter
I'm trying to fight instead of crying
For a world that one day will be fair for me

There are things that hurt me but there's music
That can take my hand and lead my soul
From the heart onwards

Then you'll realize
All the emotions that you are feeling could be just like mine
So you keep on believing and trying for
'Cause music speaks louder than words

Feel that there is a sky beyond clouds
And it will shine on you day after day, day after day
And if we run in the grass or in a rainy road
I'll find a shelter between friends like you
And I will try to ѕtruggle not to give up
For a world that one day will be

Fair for you
Fair for you
Fаir for you

Artist/group (stage name)Melissa & Ranya
ArtistsMelissa Agliottone, Ranya Moufidi
TitleUn Mondo Giusto
Title (English)A Fair World
SongwritersFranco Fasano, Marco Iardella
LanguagesItalian, English

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