Eurovizija.LT 2025:
Aistay - "Meilę sapnavau"
Meilę sapnavau
Pasaulį savo tau norėjau dovanot
Bet kodėl man šiandien taip sunku kvėpuot?
Gal pagaliau išgirskim, ką kuždės širdis?
Klausykis visada ji teisi
Pasiklydome abu, kaip niekados
Tad paleidžiu jausmą aš toli ir guos
Vien mintis kad buvome tikri trumpai
O galbūt meilę sapnavai?
Po tavo saule šilumos man per mažai
Neleiskim sau jos taip lengvai prarast
Ir kai skirtingi mudviejų jausmai
Nenorim vienas kito mes suprast
Po tavo saule šilumos mažai
Bet noriu apkabint tave dar kart
Paklaust ar vistik meilę pažinai?
Savoj širdy tereikia ją atrast
Meile kvepia rytas kai apkabini
O vėlai nubundam jau supranti
Kad ilgai švelnumo tavo nejutau
Nes galbūt meilę sapnavau?
Po tavo saule šilumos man per mažai
Neleiskim sau jos taip lengvai prarast
Ir kai skirtingi mudviejų jausmai
Nenorim vienas kito mes suprast
Po tavo saule šilumos mažai
Bet noriu apkabint tave dar kart
Paklaust ar vistik meilę pažinai?
Savoj širdy tereikia ją atrаѕt
I dreamed of love
I wanted to give you my world
But why is it so hard for me to breathe today?
Maybe we will finally hear what the heart is crying out for?
Listen, she's always right
We were both as lost as ever
So I let go of the feeling that I will be far away and comforted
Just the thought that we were real briefly
Or maybe you dreamed of love?
There is too little warmth for me under your sun
Let's not let ourselves lose it so easily
And when our feelings are different
We don't want to understand each other
There is little warmth under your sun
But I want to hug you again
Ask if you have ever known love?
You just have to find it in your heart
The morning smells like love when you hug
And if you wake up late, you already understand
That I haven't felt your tenderness for a long time
Because maybe I dreamed of love?
There is too little warmth for me under your sun
Let's not let ourselves lose it so easily
And when our feelings are different
We don't want to understand each other
There is little warmth under your sun
But I want to hug you again
Ask if you have ever known love?
You juѕt need to find it in your heаrt
Artist | Aistė Tomkevičiūtė-Pajaujienė |
Title | Meilę sapnavau |
Title (English) | I dreamed of love |
Composers | Aistė Tomkevičiūtė-Pajaujienė, Elad Lahmany |
Lyricists | Aistė Tomkevičiūtė-Pajaujienė, Monika Arbutavičienė |
Language | Lithuanian |