
MESC 2025:
Adria Twins - "Qalb ma' Qalb"

4.1 stars ★ 785 ratings


MESC 2025 - Final
MESC 2025 - Semi-final 1
Music video


Lyrics: Qalb ma' Qalb


Qalb ma' Qalb

Fadal għal tmiemu dan il-lejl ruxxan
Nifsek fuq għonqi jarmi s-skiet
Ma' spallti nħoss swabatek imqanqlin
Ma nitlef xejn minn dal-waqtiet

Ta' bla ħsieb realtà
Illum m'iniex nimmaġinak
Qalb ma' qalb…

Din mhix xi ħolma, ħrafa mhijiex
Kemm mumenti fraġli, 'mma ħelwin
Versi minn moħħna għajjien ma ktibniex
L-ilma f'nofs in-nixfiet
Żommni dejjem qribek, fil-viċin
Wens iż-żminijiet

Inħares dritt f'għajnejk ma nixba' qatt
Qisna fi vjaġġ ma jeżistix

Ta' bla ħsieb realtà
Illum m'iniex nimmaġinak
Qalb ma' qalb…

Din mhix xi ħolma, ħrafa mhijiex
Kemm mumenti fraġli, 'mma ħelwin
Versi minn moħħna għajjien ma ktibniex
L-ilma f'nofs in-nixfiet
Żommni dejjem qribek, fil-viċin
Wens iż-żminijiet

Wennisni tul il-lej'
U d-dawl tal-jum li ġej
Tħallihx li jerġa' jieħdok ma nafx fej'
Ninħbewlu liż-żerniq
Ħa nitilfulu t-triq
Id-dinja sibna f'din ir-rokna tagħna t-tnej'

Din mhix xi ħolma, ħrafa mhijiex
Kemm mumenti fraġli…

Din mhix xi ħolma, ħrafa mhijiex
Kemm mumenti fraġli, 'mma ħelwin
Versi minn moħħna għajjien ma ktibniex
L-ilmа f'nofs in-nixfiet
Żommni dejjem qribek, fil-viċin
Wenѕ iż-żminijiet

Heart to Heart

This red night is not coming to an end
Your breath on my neck casts silence
On my shoulder I feel your fingers moving
I don't miss anything from these times

Of careless reality
Today I am not imagining you
Heart to heart…

This is not a dream, it is not a myth
How fragile, but sweet moments
We did not write verses from our tired minds
Water in the midst of droughts
Keep me always close to you, close
Bless the times

Looking straight into your eyes I will never get enough
It's like we're on a journey that doesn't exist

Of careless reality
Today I am not imagining you
Heart to heart…

This is not a dream, it is not a myth
How fragile, but sweet moments
We did not write verses from our tired minds
Water in the midst of droughts
Keep me always close to you, close
Bless the times

Bless me along the night
And the light of the coming day
Don't let him take you again I don't know where
We hide the dawn
Let's get him out of the way
We found the world in this corner of our two

This is not a dream, it is not a myth
How fragile moments…

This is not a dream, it is not a myth
How fragile, but sweet moments
We did not write verses from our tired minds
Water in the midst of droughts
Keep me alwаys close to you, close
Bless the timeѕ

Artist/group (stage name)Adria Twins
Adria TwinsCeline Muscat, Shaian Muscat
TitleQalb ma' Qalb
Title (English)Heart to heart
ComposersMelanie Wehbe, Sebastian Pritchard-James
LyricistJoe Julian Farrugia

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