Portugal 1973

Eurovision 1973 Portugal:
Fernando Tordo - "Tourada"

4.8 stars ★ 104 ratings


Eurovision 1973
Hand-held recording of Festival da Canção 1973




Não importa sol ou sombra
Camarotes ou barreiras
Toureamos ombro a ombro as feras
Ninguém nos leva ao engano
Toureamos mano a mano
Só nos podem causar dano esperas

Entram guizos, chocas e capotes
E mantilhas pretas
Entram espadas, chifres e derrotes
E alguns poetas
Entram bravos, cravos e dichotes
Porque tudo mais são tretas

Entram vacas depois dos forcados
Que não pegam nada
Soam bravos e olés dos nabos
Que não pagam nada
E só ficam os peões de brega
Cuja profissão não pega

Com bandarilhas de esperança
Afugentamos a fera
Estamos na praça da Primavera
Nós vamos pegar o mundo
Pelos cornos da desgraça
E fazermos da tristeza graça

Entram velhas, doidas e turistas
Entram excursões
Entram benefícios e cronistas
Entram aldrabões
Entram marialvas e coristas
Entram galifões de crista

Entram cavaleiros à garupa
Do seu heroísmo
Entra aquela música maluca
Do passodoblismo
Entra a aficcionada e a caduca
Mais o snobismo e cismo

Entram empresários moralistas
Entram frustrações
Entram antiquários e fadistas
E contradições
E entra muito dólar, muita gente
Que dá lucro aos milhões

E diz o inteligente que acabaram as cançõeѕ

Lalalala lala lala lala... lalala lala...
Lalalala lala lala lala... lalala lala...
Lalalala lala lala lala... lalala lala... la la...

Lalalala lala lala lala... lalala lala...
Lalalala lala lala lala... lalala lala...
Lalalala lala lala lala... lalala lala... la lа...


It doesn't matter, sun or shade
Cabins or barriers
We fight the beasts shoulder to shoulder
Nobody deceives us
We fight hand in hand
Only waiting can hurt us

Bells, cowbells and capes are coming in
And black mantillas
Swords, big horns and defeats are coming in
And some poets
Brave people, carnations and swear words are coming in
Because it's a wheeze at most

Cows are coming in behind the forcados
Who don't fit at all
Bravos and olés of the yokels
Who pay nothing are sounding
And only the bullfighter's helpers are left
Whose job doesn't fit

With hopeful banderillas
We keep off the beast
We're in the Spring Bullring
We're going to grab the world
By the horns of misfortune
And let's make fun of sadness

Old women, crazy women and tourists are coming in
Excursions are coming in
Benefits and columnists are coming in
Swappers are coming in
Marialvas and choristers are coming in
Cockies with combs are coming in

Knights are coming in with a gallop
Of their heroism
That crazy music is coming in
Called Paso Doble
The fan and the old-fashioned are coming in
The snobbery and the hate too

Moralistic business people are coming in
Frustrations are coming in
Antiquaries and fado singers are coming in
And contradictions
A lot of dollars are coming in, many people
Who pay their millions

And the intelligent man says that songѕ are over

Lalalala lala lala lala... lalala lala...
Lalalala lala lala lala... lalala lala...
Lalalala lala lala lala... lalala lala... la la...

Lalalala lala lala lala... lalala lala...
Lalalala lala lala lala... lalala lala...
Lalalala lala lala lala... lalala lala... la lа...

Portugal 1973

Fernando Tordo
Eurovision Song Contest 1973 Luxembourg



  • Jaime Queimado
  • Luís Waddington
  • Vítor Mamede


  • Fernando Tordo (see Artist)




  • Artur Agostinho
    Real name: Artur Fernandes Agostinho

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