
MESC 2023:
James Louis - "Dream"

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Lyrics video


Lyrics: Dream



Feeling tired but I won't sleep
Got this dread in my mind that I won't peak
I'm feeling like I'm gonna drown
I'm so high on my thoughts

Laying low for now I won't speak
No one cares 'bout the life that I seek
Will I make it in this modern world?
I confide in myself

Dreamin of crowds call my name
No second guessing no pain
Proud of the person I became
I wanna be there
How can I live this dream?

Feeling worn but I'm not weak
Just aim high to the sky to that peak
Put in hours and we'll make it there
We will rise to the top

Got this voice in my head 'ts got me going
Laying stones in my path without knowing
Stayin up, high on hopes, chasing dreams
I am workin on me, I will make it for me

Noħlom bil-kwiekeb t'hemm fuq
Ħajja b'imħabba bla truf
Fjura f'nofs għalqa, hemm inkun
Nistenna lilek.
Ħolma li j'Alla ssir

Kieku kieku kollha ħbieb
Kieku kieku flok il-bombi kullimkien ħemda u skiet

Kieku nneħħu r-rabja kollha, u flok dagħwa toħroġ id
Biex il-proxxmu li qed ibati, tkebbislu ħolma mill-ġdid

Ibda minn ommok li rabbietek
Ħajjitha għalik b'dedikazzjoni
Kulħadd b'ħolma ġewwa qalbu
Sess, karnaġġjon m'hemmx distinzjoni

Noħlom b'ħajja ħadra u friska
Tkun li trid għax taf li tista'
Meta m'hemmx għalfejn ixxandar dak li int.
X' dinja ideali

Dreamin of crowds call my name
No second guessing no pain
Proud of the person I became
I wanna be there
How can I live thiѕ dreаm?

Artist/group (stage name)James Louis
ArtistJames Louis
SongwriterJames Louis
LanguagesEnglish, Maltese

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