Eurovision 2025 tickets

Eurovision Tickets 2025

How to get tickets for Eurovision 2025 in Basel

Here we will keep you updated with all the information about getting tickets for Eurovision 2025 in Basel. The ticket sales started on 29 January 2025 and you had to pre-register before 10 January 2025 to participate in the ticket sale.

We will update this page with all the information about Tickets for Eurovision 2025 as it appears···

10 February 2025, 12:41 CET

Second wave of tickets on 27 March

The second wave of tickets for Eurovision 2025 will follow on 27 March. But only for those who have already registered.

On the 29 January, it took seven minutes for all available tickets for the live shows to sell out - after just 20 minutes, all tickets for the preview shows were also gone. Following the further refinement of the venue and seating plan, a second wave of tickets will now be available for the nine shows on Thursday 27 March at 12:00 CET (noon).

Tickets will be available on sale at again, but only for those who had already registered by 10 January and have not yet been able to purchase tickets. Ticketcorner will inform these registrants directly by e-mail on Monday 10 February, and they will also receive their access code by e-mail on Monday 24 March.

Due to the high demand, the organisers continue to appeal to all fans who have not yet been able to purchase tickets to refrain from purchasing on third party platforms . The organizers cannot guarantee the validity of tickets from third party platforms or private sales.

At a later date, it will be possible to search for verified tickets exclusively on Ticketcorner fanSALE. Ticketcorner's official secondary market guarantees that all resold tickets are valid.

Source: SRG SSR

17 January 2025, 18:32 CET

Mails sent to authorized pre-registrations

Ticketcorner has now reviewed the 500,000 pre-registrations received. The ones that are authorized have received an e-mail with further instructions:

Hello xxx

Great news! Your pre-registration was successful and you can participate in the Eurovision Song Contest 2025 online ticket sales!

The Eurovision Song Contest will take place at the St. Jakobshalle in Basel in the week of 12 May 2025 to 17 May 2025.

The first online ticket sale wave will start on 29 January 10AM CET.

You will receive a link and a unique, non-transferable, access code for the on-sale by e-mail 48 hours before sales begin.

Reminder: This link and code do not guarantee you tickets, they only allow you to participate in the on-sale. The availability of tickets is limited. Tickets are sold on a first come, first served basis while inventory lasts.

The access code is valid for a maximum of 4 tickets and for a maximum of 1 order. You are able to buy tickets for multiple shows, but at a maximum of 4 tickets in total per order/code.

For example, if you book 2 tickets in 1 order, your code will lose its validity because you already booked 2 tickets and the code is only valid for 1 order, you cannot book 4 tickets in 2 separate orders. If you want to have tickets for different shows, you need to book these in 1 order with a maximum of 4 tickets in total.

You need to personalize your tickets during the buying process. So please keep the names of your companion ready if you buy more than one ticket. If you have to re-personalize tickets later in the upcoming months, a fee of CHF 10 is applicable per ticket

UPDATE 12 January 2025, 10:54 CET

Almost 500,000 have registered for Eurovision tickets

Almost 500,000 have registered to buy tickets for the nine shows (three live shows and six rehearsals), but only 50,000 to 60,000 will get tickets.

Thomas Pittino, Eurovision Head of Marketing, estimates that a large portion of the the 500,000 are not fans:

– We have to assume that between a third and a half of the registrations are so-called bots, i.e. fake accounts. These will now be filtered out, says Thomas Pittino.

Ticketcorner will now go through all the pre-registrations and check if they meets the requirements for fair ticket sales. They compare the data from the registrations and the Ticketcorner customer account in order to exclude resellers or so-called ticket bots. Duplicate entries will be removed. Only the accounts that are authenticated will have the opportunity to participate in the tickets sale.

Source: Basler Zeitung

Do not purchase tickets on the secondary market!

We strongly recommend that tickets are only purchased through the official partner

11 January 2025, 00:00 CET

Registration for Eurovision 2025 tickets is closed

The registration process for the ticket sales for Eurovision 2025 was open from 16 December 2024 until 10 January 2025.

People who have not registered cannot purchase tickets for Eurovision 2025. There will not be other registration periods.

People who registered AND confirmed their registration AND is authenticated by Ticketcorner will receive an email that you will be given the opportunity to participate in the on-sale with further info.

Tickets for 9 shows

There will be tickets on sale for 9 shows – Six rehearsals and three live shows:


Evening RehearsalMonday 12 May21:0050 CHF – 170 CHF€53 – €181
Afternoon RehearsalTuesday 13 May15:0010 CHF – 60 CHF€11 – €64
LIVE SHOWTuesday 13 May21:0070 CHF – 270 CHF€74 – €287


Evening RehearsalWednesday 14 May21:0050 CHF – 170 CHF€53 – €181
Afternoon RehearsalThursday 15 May15:0010 CHF – 60 CHF€11 – €64
LIVE SHOWThursday 15 May21:0070 CHF – 270 CHF€74 – €287


Jury RehearsalFriday 16 May21:0065 CHF – 220 CHF€69 – €234
Afternoon RehearsalSaturday 17 May13:3025 CHF – 100 CHF€27 – €106
LIVE SHOWSaturday 17 May21:0090 CHF – 350 CHF€96 – €372
All times in Central European Summer Time

Evening/Jury Rehearsals

The Evening/Jury Rehearsals take place on the evening before the live shows. The rehearsals will not be broadcast.

The rehearsals will be exact copies of the live shows, including opening act and interval acts, except the voting part (there will be some kind of simulated pseudo voting though).

Friday's Jury Rehearsal will be watched by all the national juries and they will cast their votes based on this show.

Afternoon Rehearsals

The last rehearsals before the live shows take place in the afternoon on the same day as the live shows. They are also called "Afternoon Shows" but will not be broadcast, as they are only rehearsals.

The rehearsals will be exact copies of the live shows, including opening act and interval acts, except the voting part.

Live Shows

The live shows are exactly that: Live television shows. Millions of viewers will watch the shows live and vote for their favorites.

Ticket price for Eurovision 2025


Jury RehearsalAfternoon RehearsalLIVE SHOW
Floor (standing)220€235100€107350€374
Category 1210€22495€101330€352
Category 2200€21480€85295€315
Category 3160€17160€64220€235
Limited View65€6925€2790€96
Wheelchair + companion160€17160€64220€235


Evening RehearsalsAfternoon RehearsalsLIVE SHOWS
Floor (standing)170€18260€64270€288
Category 1160€17155€59250€267
Category 2155€16640€43230€246
Category 3120€12825€27170€182
Limited View50€5310€1170€75
Wheelchair + companion120€12825€27170€182

Do not purchase tickets on the secondary market!

We strongly recommend that tickets are only purchased through the official partner

Who's in which Semi-final?

Last year's winner (Switzerland) and the Big-5 countries (Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom) are pre-qualified for the Grand Final on 17 May 2025. The rest of the countries were allocated to one of the two Semi-finals that will be held on 13 and 15 May 2025. The allocation draw was made on 28 January 2025.

Ticket FAQ

How can I buy tickets for the Eurovision Song Contest?

If you want to be able to buy tickets for the Eurovision Song Contest you need to pre-register and you also need a Ticketcorner customer account under the same e-mail address. Pre-registration closes on 10 January 2025 at 23:59 CET.

Please note: pre-registration only opens once. For all the other ticket sale waves that are being planned later in 2025, you also need to register before 10 January.

When will ticket sales start?

Once your pre-registration has been confirmed, you will receive an e-mail 48 hours before the start of the sale with an access code and the link to the sale. The first wave of ticket sales will start on Wednesday, 29 January 2025 at 10:00 CET, the day after the semi-final draw.

Please note: this is the first ticket sales wave. During the upcoming period more waves will take place. Specific dates for other waves will follow, so keep an eye on your email if you weren’t able to buy tickets in the first wave.

You can only pre-register once for all the waves, until 10 January 2025 at 23:59 CET.

You will be able to buy tickets for the 3 live shows as well as 6 rehearsals. There will be tickets available for a total of 9 shows.

How do I pre-register for the Eurovision Song Contest?

You can pre-register until 10 January 2025 at 23:59 CET.

You can find the pre-registration process here .

After pre-registration you will receive an e-mail confirmation of your registration. To complete the pre-registration, you must confirm the registration again. Please follow the instructions sent to your e-mail address.

Please note: pre-registration only opens once. For all the other ticket sale waves that are being planned later in 2025, you also need to register before 10 January 2025.

Will there be another pre-registration period?

No, there will be no other pre-registration.

You can only pre-register once.

This pre-registration is applicable for all ticket sale waves.

Pre-registration closes on 10 January at 23:59 CET.

Do i need a Ticketcorner customer account?

To finalize your pre-registration, you also need to have a Ticketcorner customer account.

To get the chance to participate in the ticket sale wave(s), you also need a Ticketcorner customer account under the same e-mail address as your pre-registration. If you do not have a customer account yet, you can create one here .

Please note: pre-registration only opens once. For all the other ticket sale waves that are being planned later in 2025, you also need to register before 10 January at 23:59 CET.

How many access codes do I get?

If you pre-register and your pre-registration is approved after the authentication, you will receive one code per email address.

Please note, receiving the link and the access code doesn’t guarantee you tickets, but only the possibility to participate in the online ticket sale waves.

Do I have more of an opportunity to get a ticket the earlier I pre-register?

No, pre-registering early during the registration window will not give you any advantage. Just make sure you pre-register before the registration window closes. Please note, registration does not guarantee tickets. It is expected that there will be more demand than there are tickets available.

The pre-registration closes on 10 January 2025 at 23:59 CET.

Tickets will be sold on a first come, first served basis while currently available inventory lasts.

Why do I need to pre-register to be able to participate in the ticket sale waves?

Pre-registration is being used to give fans a fair access to Eurovision Song Contest tickets. This helps us to filter out commercial buyers who are only interested in reselling tickets, and instead get them into the hands of fans who want to attend the show.

Pre-registration does not guarantee you tickets for the Eurovision Song Contest. It is expected that the demand will be higher than the availability.

I made a typo when entering my email address, can I pre-register again?

If you made a typing error, you can pre-register again with the correct e-mail address. You will then receive an e-mail confirmation of your pre-registration. To complete the pre-registration, you must confirm the registration again. Please follow the instructions sent to your e-mail address.

To get the chance to participate in the ticket sale wave(s), you also need a Ticketcorner customer account under the same e-mail address. If you do not have a customer account yet, you can create one here .

What is the authentication?

Ticketcorner authenticates your pre-registration. They will check whether your registration meets the requirements for fair ticket sales. They compare the data from your registration and your Ticketcorner customer account in order to exclude resellers or so-called ticket bots. Duplicate entries will be removed. Only if authentication is successful, you will receive an email that you will be given the opportunity to participate in the on-sale with further info.

Can I enter multiple access codes?

No. Only one code can be processed during each order. The access code is valid for a maximum of 4 tickets and for a maximum of 1 order. You are able to buy tickets for multiple shows, but at a maximum of 4 tickets in total per order/code.

For example, if you book 2 tickets in 1 order, your code will lose it validity because you already booked 2 tickets and the code is only valid for 1 order, you cannot book 4 tickets in 2 separate orders. If you want to have tickets for different shows, you need to book these in 1 order with a maximum of 4 tickets in total.

I accidentally deleted the e-mail with the access code.

Please check the deleted e-mail folder to see if you can restore it. If this does not work, please contact the customer service department via

Re-selling of tickets

We strongly advise you to buy tickets through the official ticketing partner .

In a later stage, Ticketcorner will open an official re-sell platform in case you are not able the come to one of the shows. Tickets can only be offered at face-value (excluded applicable fees).

How much time do I have to finalize my order?

As you enter the booking page and tickets are in your online basket, you will have 12 minutes to finalize your order. Please keep your payment details ready.

How can I pay for my tickets?

The following payment methods will be available:

  • Credit card (Mastercard, Visa, Amex, Diners Club)
  • Apple Pay / Google Pay / Samsung Pay
  • TWINT (Swiss only)

Mobile Tickets only

The Eurovision Song Contest 2025 is a Mobile Tickets Only event. This means you cannot download a PDF and print it and you cannot make a screenshot of the QR-code stated on the ticket. You can find your ticket(s) in the Ticketcorner app. If you have more than 1 ticket, please make sure every ticket is personalized and transferred to the right person.

You have to show your ticket at the entrance on your Mobile phone in combination with your ID. More info about the Ticketcorner app can be found here .

When will I receive my ticket(s)?

Tickets are delivered via the Ticketcorner app under “my events”. The valid QR-code, that will give access to the event, will be delivered shortly for the event takes place.

Tickets can be forwarded in the Ticketcorner app .

How does the queue system work?

Visitors who open the link to the order page on 29 January before 10:00 CET will be allocated a random spot in the waiting queue by the system. Visitors who open the link after 10:00 CET will join at the end of the queue. Visiting the website, the day before sales start doesn’t give you any guarantee to get the first place in the queue.

You are advised not to refresh the ticket page or you will lose your position and be placed at the back of the queue.

When you get through the queue you will need to choose your preferred show and enter your access code to be able to book tickets. Please note: your code is unique and personal. If tickets are booked with another email address, than known in our pre-registration system, your tickets will probably be cancelled.

Can I join the next waves as well if I already bought tickets?

No, you cannot join any upcoming sales if you have already bought tickets during an earlier wave. Even if you only bought 2 tickets, your code is only valid for 1 order max.

For example, if you book 2 tickets in 1 order, your code will lose it validity because you already booked 2 tickets and the code is only valid for 1 order, you cannot book 4 tickets in 2 separate orders. If you want to have tickets for different shows, you need to book these in 1 order with a maximum of 4 tickets in total.

If you didn’t buy, or weren’t able to buy, any tickets in one of the previous waves, you will have access to the upcoming waves. More information will follow when the dates are known.

What is the maximum number of tickets you can buy for the Eurovision Song Contest?

A maximum of four tickets can be purchased per access code, you can only use your code once. You are able to buy tickets for multiple shows, but at a maximum of 4 tickets in total per order/code/email address/person. If you book more than four tickets, your tickets might be cancelled.

For example, if you book 2 tickets in 1 order, your code will lose it validity because you already booked 2 tickets and the code is only valid for 1 order, you cannot book 4 tickets in 2 separate orders. If you want to have tickets for different shows, you need to book these in 1 order with a maximum of 4 tickets in total.

Please note, the access code doesn’t guarantee you tickets, but only authorises participation in the online sales.

Wheelchair access: How to pre-register?

If you pre-register as a person requiring wheelchair access, please send an e-mail to These tickets will not be sold online.

Accessibility for people who are hearing or visually impaired

The Eurovision Song Contest 2025 organisation aims to create an inclusive and accessible event for everyone. Although this is still a work in progress, the ambition is to make all nine shows accessible to visitors with hearing or visual impairments. More information will be provided at a later stage. It would be very helpful for the organisation if you could share your requirements with Ticketcorner in advance. If you are intending to join, please indicate your specific needs, such as those listed below, by sending an e-mail to

  • International sign interpreter
  • Audio induction loop system
  • Companion

Guide dogs are not allowed.

What are the age restrictions for the event?

There is no age limit for the Eurovision Song Contest shows.

Children and young people under the age of 16 are only admitted if accompanied by an adult.

A separate ticket is required for each visitor regardless of age.

Source: Ticketcorner

16 December 2024, 15:30 CET

Ticket sale: Pre-register before 10 January 2025

Tickets will go on sale on on 29 January 2025 at 10:00 CET and you have to pre-register before 10 January 2025 at 23:59 CET on .

Pre-registration only opens once. For all the other ticket sale waves that are being planned later in 2025, you also need to register before 10 January.

Do not purchase tickets on the secondary market!

We strongly recommend that tickets are only purchased through the official partner

This is how the Ticket Sales Registration works

Tickets will go on sale on and you have to pre-register before 10 January 2025 at 23:59 CET.

Stage 1: Registration
Enter your e-mail address for the pre-registration for the for Eurovision Song Contest ticket sale waves. Multiple registrations do not increase your chances to participate in the on-sale.

You will receive an e-mail with the confirmation of your pre-registration. To complete your registration, you will need to confirm the registration again. Please note, in order to complete your registration, you will need to follow the additional instructions that will be sent to you to the e-mail you registered with.

To participate in the on-sale, you also need a Ticketcorner customer account with the same e-mail address. If you do not have a customer account yet, you can create one here .

Stage 2: Authentication
Ticketcorner authenticates your registration. Ticketcorner will check whether your registration meets the requirements for a fair ticket sale. They compare the data from your registration and your Ticketcorner customer account, to exclude illegal resellers or so-called ticket bots. Duplicate entries will be removed.

Stage 3: Status Update
You’ll receive an e-mail after the authentication on 17 January if you can join the on sale on 29 January. When you are able to join the on-sale, 48 hours prior the start of the 1st ticket sale wave, you will receive a purchase link and your unique, non-transferable code.

Please note, receiving a purchase link and code does not guarantee you tickets.

Ticket availability is limited. Tickets will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis while currently available inventory lasts.

Have questions about this registration?

See the Ticket FAQ to learn more.

16 December 2024, 15:30 CET

Tickets for Eurovision 2025 on sale on Wednesday 29 January

Tickets for the Eurovision Song Contest 2025 in Basel will go on sale on 29 January 2025 at 10:00 CET.

Tickets will go on sale on and you have to pre-register before 10 January 2025 at 23:59 CET.

Tickets will be available for the 3 live shows and 6 rehearsals.

Prices from €11 to €372.

Read more: Ticket FAQ

Do not purchase tickets on the secondary market!

We strongly recommend that tickets are only purchased through the official partner

Do not purchase tickets on the secondary market!

We strongly recommend that tickets are only purchased through the official partner

Eurovision tickets the previous years

  • Eurovision 2025: 29 January 2025
  • Eurovision 2024: 28 November 2023
  • Eurovision 2023: 7 March 2023
  • Eurovision 2022: 7 April 2022
  • Eurovision 2021: No public sale
  • Eurovision 2020: 12 December 2019
  • Eurovision 2019: 18 February 2019
  • Eurovision 2018: 30 November 2017
  • Eurovision 2017: 14 February 2017
  • Eurovision 2016: 26 November 2015
  • Eurovision 2015: 15 December 2014
  • Eurovision 2014: 29 November 2013
  • Eurovision 2013: 26 November 2012

How much are Eurovision tickets?

The cost of tickets has varied a lot from year to year. Here we have gathered some information about ticket price for Eurovision Song Contest the previous years. The cheapest tickets were for the semi-final rehearsals, and the most expensive tickets were for the Grand Final live show:

  • Eurovision 2025: Between €43 and €372
  • Eurovision 2024: Between €13 and €334
  • Eurovision 2023: Between €34 and €427
  • Eurovision 2022: Between €10 and €350
  • Eurovision 2020: Between €20 and €255 (cancelled)
  • Eurovision 2019: Between €183 and €415
  • Eurovision 2018: Between €5 and €299
  • Eurovision 2017: Between €8 and €300
  • Eurovision 2016: Between €11 and €280
  • Eurovision 2015: Between €14 and €390

Special tickets for fans

The last many years, a number of tickets have been reserved for the members of one of the official Eurovision fan clubs around the world. These tickets are mainly for standing right in front of the scene in a special fan zone. The tickets are only sold in packages with six tickets to six shows: The three live-shows and the three jury-rehearsals.

The fan tickets are only sold through the official Eurovision fan clubs.

Eurovision News

Eurovisionworld is a fan community for everyone who has a passion for Eurovision Song Contest. We are not affiliated with EBU or the organisation behind Eurovision Song Contest. All images on are readily available on the internet and believed to be in public domain. Images posted are believed to be published according to the U.S. Copyright Fair Use Act (title 17, U.S. Code). All rights reserved.
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