Eurovision Song Contest 2022 Logo
TURIN 2022

The Sound of Beauty – Slogan and logo for Eurovision 2022 revealed

The Sound of Beauty – EBU has just revealed the logo and theme artwork for Eurovision Song Contest 2022 in Turin, Italy

The branding and slogan for Eurovision Song Contest 2022 have just been revealed by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU).

The Sound of Beauty / La Bellezza del Suono

The European Broadcasting Union describes the logo:

Turin’s theme is a visual representation of The Sound of Beauty. In order to represent sound and its visual (and beautiful) properties, the design is based on the symmetrical structure and patterns of cymatics – the study of sound wave phenomena.

The term ‘cymatic’ was coined in the 1960s by Hans Jenny, a Swiss scientist and philosopher, derived from the ancient Greek word κῦμα (kyma), which means 'wave’. His experiments showed that if fine powders were placed on a sheet of metal and acoustic wave vibrations were applied to them, these particles were organised into specific patterns.

These patterns, also known as Chladni figures, configure, in the case of harmonic sounds, into symmetrical geometric shapes and compositions, similar to mandala configurations.

The Italian Garden (o ‘Giardini all’Italiana’) was one of the main inspirations for the set design (more on that later…), and it was noticeable that these gardens have a structure similarly present in cymatics. Both are based on symmetry, axial geometry and seem to indicate the principle of an idea of order over nature.

The cymatics in the theme-art visually hint towards both the sun and a cosmic portal that can be opened on the idea of the sound of beauty.

Source: EBU

Eurovision slogans through the years

Every year since 2002, with the exception of 2009, each Eurovision has had its own slogan accompanied the theme artwork. Do you remember the 19 former slogans?

2002 Tallinn  A Modern Fairytale
2003 Riga  Magical Rendez-vous
2004 Istanbul  Under The Same Sky
2005 Kyiv  Awakening
2006 Athens  Feel The Rhythm!
2007 Helsinki  True Fantasy
2008 Belgrade  Confluence of Sound
2009 Moscow  no slogan
2010 Oslo  Share The Moment!
2011 Düsseldorf  Feel Your Heart Beat!
2012 Baku  Light Your Fire!
2013 Malmö  We Are One
2014 Copenhagen  #JoinUs
2015 Vienna  Building Bridges
2016 Stockholm  Come Together
2017 Kyiv  Celebrate Diversity
2018 Lisbon  All Aboard!
2019 Tel Aviv  Dare to Dream
2021 Rotterdam  Open Up
2022 Turin  The Sound of Beauty

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