Eurovision 2010 Malta:
Thea Garrett - "My Dream"
My dream
We used to say that dreams could be so true
Where am I? What will I be?
It's my dream which I could share with you
A new day for you and me
Just a smile with warmth in my heart and go all the way
There's so much in life and I'll sing
This is my dream, I want to make it really happen
And make my dream come true
This is my dream, I'll make it if I just believe it
In a fairytale I'll live it, just like a new born star
Fly above like a seagull on the waves
And the sun will shine upon your face
Just believe, follow your heart and make it happen
Grow much brighter and we'll say
This is my dream, I want to make it really happen
And make my dream come true
This is my dream, I'll make it if i just believe it
There is nothing that could stop me
I just want the world to know
This is my dream, and I know that I'll be strong
It will come true because I know I'll make it happen
This iѕ my dreаm
Qedna li l-ħolm jaf isir realtà
Jien min jien u x'nista' nsir?
Ħolma ħlomt li fiha rajt ġejjien
Żernieq ġdid għalina lkoll
Bi tbissim u qalb li taf tħoss u tgħin għax taf tħobb
X'ħajja rrid ngħix
U nkanta
Din il-ħolma rrid li f'ħajti nara li tirnexxi
U l-ħolma sseħħ tassew
Din il-ħolma ssir jekk jiena nibqa' nemmen fiha
Ngħixha bħala ħolma msaħħra
Bħal stilla ġdida nkun
Tir il-fuq bħall-gawwija fuq l-ilmiet
U fuq wiċċek jiddi dawl ix-xemx
Nemmen fik
Ara dak li trid u b'qalbek kollha
Tibda miexja l-quddiem
U ngħidu
Din il-ħolma rrid li f'ħajti nara li tirnexxi
U l-ħolma sseħħ tassew
Din il-ħolma ssir jekk jiena nibqa nemmen fiha
U m'hemm xejn li se jwaqqafni
Milli nilħaq dan l-għan
Din il-ħolma rrid
Biex niksibha inżomm sod
Naħdem bil-ħsieb
Għax jiena rrid illi tirnexxi, u l-ħolmа sѕir
- Thea Garrett
- Jackie Pace Delicata
- Jes Sciberras
- Malta 2007: Vertigo (backing)
- Nadine Axisa
- Pamela Bezzina
- Malta 2024: Loop (backing)
- Malta 2018: Taboo (backing)
- Malta 2016: Walk on Water (backing)
- Malta 2014: jury member
- Malta 2011: One Life (backing)
- Jason Cassar
- Malta 1998: The One That I Love (composer)
- Sunny Aquilina
- Malta 1998: The One That I Love (lyricist)
- Chiara SiracusaAlso known as: Chiara
- Malta 2017: jury member as Chiara
- Malta 2009: What If We (artist) as Chiara
- Malta 2005: Angel (artist, composer, lyricist) as Chiara
- Malta 1998: The One That I Love (artist) as Chiara
- Valerie Vella
- Malta 2009: commentator
- Malta 2005: spokesperson
- Malta 2000: spokesperson