Slovenia 2008

Eurovision 2008 Slovenia:
Rebeka Dremelj - "Vrag Naj Vzame"

4.7 stars ★ 114 ratings




Vrag Naj Vzame

Sama na tleh, zadnja solza zate v očeh
Brišem sledi ki jih pustil je poraz
Ti brez besed, v trenutku si zrušil moj svet
Zdaj zbiram vse sence ljubezni da vržem ti jih v obraz

Vrag naj vzame vse kar je med nama
Tvoje slike mečem zdaj na tla
Vrag naj vzame zdaj naprej grem sama
Trgam vse spomine da se čimprej konča

Ne dovolim da še kdaj me pogledaš v oči
Zdaj več v meni ničesar zate ni
Tujec si mi, ki na ulici ga ne spoznam
Ko vidim te grem mimo tebe, glavo obrnem v drugo stran

Vrag naj vzame vse kar je med nama
Tvoje slike mečem zdaj na tla
Vrag naj vzame zdaj naprej grem sama
Trgam vse spomine da se čimprej konča

Vrag naj vzame vse kar je med nama
Zate solze vem da so zaman
Zdaj med nama je samo še drama
Ki ne bo vrnila ukradenih mi sanj
(Ukradenih mi sanj) Sanj

Zlomil si me priznam
A grem naprej
Sama v vsak nov dan
Močnejša sem kot prej

Vrag naj vzame vse kar je med nama
Tvoje slike mečem zdaj na tla
Vrag naj vzame zdaj naprej grem sama
Trgam vse spomine da se čimprej konča

Vrag naj vzame vse kar je med nama
Zate solze vem da so zaman
Zdaj med nama je samo še drama
Ki ne bo vrnila ukradenih mi ѕаnj

To hell with it

On the floor by myself, the last tear for you in my eyes
I whipe the traces that were left behind by defeat
You without words, in a moment you destroyed my world
Now I'm gathering all the shadows of love to throw them in your face

To hell with everything that's between us
I'm throwing your pictures on the floor
To hell with it, I'm moving on on my own
Tearing all the memories so it'll be over soon

I'm not letting you look me in my eyes ever again
Now there's nothing in me for you
You're a stranger to me, whom I don't recognise on the street
When I see you, I pass you, turning my head the other way

To hell with everything that's between us
I'm throwing your pictures on the floor
To hell with it, I'm moving on on my own
Tearing all the memories so it'll be over soon

To hell with everything that's between us
I know tears for you are a waste
Now there's only drama between us
Which won't return my stolen dreams
(My stolen dreams) Dreams

You broke me, I admit
But I'm moving on
By myself into every new day
I'm stronger than ever before

To hell with everything that's between us
I'm throwing your pictures on the floor
To hell with it, I'm moving on on my own
Tearing all the memories so it'll be over soon

To hell with everything that's between us
I know tears for you are a waste
Now there's only drama between us
Which won't return my stolen dreаmѕ

Slovenia 2008

Rebeka Dremelj
Vrag Naj Vzame
Eurovision Song Contest 2008 Belgrade


  • Rebeka Dremelj



  • Josip Miani-Pipi


  • Igor Mazul "Amon"



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