Old voting system: Australia would have won Eurovision 2016
If the voting system from last year wasn't changed this year, the winner of Eurovision Song Contest would have been Australia!
The voting procedure in this year's Eurovision Song Contest was Swedenised. The presentation of the voting was changed in Stockholm: First the jury-points were given individually from each country, then the result of all the televoting were bundled and given combined.
But if this change wasn't applied this year, the result would have been different:
The voting was not only presented in a different way than last year, it was also calculated differently.
The old rules:
- The jury ranks the songs from 1 (best) to 26 (worst)
- Tele televoters rank the songs from 1 (best) to 26 (worst)
- The ranking is combined
- The highest 10 songs in the combined ranking get points (12,10,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1)
The new rules:
- The jury ranks the songs from 1 (best, Hilda) to 26 (worst)
- The televoters rank the songs from 1 (best) to 26 (worst)
- The highest 10 songs in the jury ranking get points (12,10,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1)
- The highest 10 songs in the televoters ranking get points (12,10,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1)