Destiny from Malta wins second show of Der Kleine Song Contest in Austria
The Jury from the Austrian alternative show have decided on the second winner
Austria has broadcast the second show from the lined up three special show to replace the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 due to the cancellation, by the name "Der Kleine Song Contest".
During each show, the Austrian Jury will vote and at the conclusion of every show a jury winner of the shown entries will be announced. During the final broadcast, the audience will decide which of the three jury winners will be the overall winner enabling Austria to find their Eurovision Song Contest 2020 winner. Daði og Gagnamagnið who was due to represent Iceland in Rotterdam with the song "Think About Things" won the first show on 14 April with 75 points.
During the second show, the Austrian Jury examined another batch of 14 songs. The countries in tonight's show were: Azerbaijan, Croatia, Finland, France, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Portugal, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland and Slovenia.
Destiny who was due to represent Malta in Rotterdam with the song "All of my Love" won the second show on 16 April with 97 points.
Der Kleine Song Contest – Show 2 results
Malta – Destiny - All of my Love (97 points)
Sweden – The Mamas - Move (86 points)
France – Tom Leeb - Mon alliée (The Best in Me) (69 points)
Russia – Little Big - Uno (67 points)
Switzerland – Gjon's Tears - Répondez-moi (64 points)
Lithuania – The Roop - On Fire (57 points)
Finland – Aksel - Looking Back (56 points)
Ireland – Lesley Roy - Story of my Life (55 points)
Azerbaijan – Efendi - Cleopatra (50 points)
Slovenia - Ana Soklič - Voda (50 points)
Croatia – Damir Kedžo - Divlji vjetre (45 points)
Latvia– Samanta Tina - Still Breathing (36 points)
Portugal – Elisa - Medo de sentir (30 points)
Moldova – Natalia Gordienko - Prison (25 points)
Der Kleine Song Contest – Jury members
- Waterloo (Austria 1976 – My Little World)
- Simone (Austria 1990 – Keine Mauern Mehr)
- Petra Frey (Austria 1994 – Für Den Frieden Der Welt)
- Manuel Ortega (Austria 2002 – Say a Word)
- Alf Poier (Austria 2003 – Weil Der Mensch Zählt)
- Eric Papilaya (Austria 2007 – Get a Life - Get Alive)
- Nadine Beiler (Austria 2011 – The Secret Is Love)
- Conchita (Austria 2014 – Rise Like a Phoenix)
- Zoë (Austria 2016 – Loin d'ici)
- Cesár Sampson (Austria 2018 – Nobody But You)
Andi Knoll, The host of "Der Kleine Song Contest" aired the 14 official videos while the Austrian Jurors gave their thoughts about the songs. Right after each entry was presented, all ten jurors presented their votes.
"Der Kleine Song Contest" will air the third and final show on Saturday 18 April at 20:15 CEST on ORF 1.
Austria in Eurovision Song Contest
Austria has been participating in Eurovision Song Contest 52 times since its debut in 1957. They won the competition twice: in 1966 (Udo Jürgens - Merci Chérie) and in 2014 (Conchita Wurst - Rise Like a Phoenix). They came last in the competition eight times (Zero points in 1962, 1988, 1991 and 2015).
Since the introduction of Semi-finals in 2004, Austria only qualified for the Grand Final 7 out of 12 times.