Eurovision 1964 Switzerland:
Anita Traversi - "I miei pensieri"
I miei pensieri
Ho cercato da sempre nel tempo
Di donarti pensieri migliori
Ho cercato guardando nel cielo
Ed ho visto lassù come fare
Perciò… perciò…
Affido i miei pensieri a una nuvola
Che li porti da te che sei lontano
Il vento lentamente la sospingerà
Su in alto nel ciel nell'immensità
Parole stelle forse si potranno unir
Saran letter d'oro scritte in cielo per te
Il sole certamente le farà brillar
Così tu le vedrai lassù con me
Affido i miei pensieri a una nuvola
Piano, piano verrà senza fare rumor
Giungerà fino a te, il mio amor
Affido i miei pensieri a una nuvola
Piano, piano verrà senza fare rumor
Giungerà fino a te, il mio amor
Tutto il mondo saprà ciò che penso di te
Quei bаtuffoli d'or ѕon per te
My thoughts
I've always been looking in the time
To give you better thoughts
Looking in the sky, I was searching
And up there, I've seen how to do it
Therefore… therefore…
I confide my thoughts to a cloud
That will bring them to you far away
The wind will slowly push them
Up above in the sky, into the endlessness
Perhaps star words are able to unite
They'll be golden letters written in the sky for you
The sun will certainly make them shine
So you will see them up there with me
I confide my thoughts to a cloud
It will slowly, slowly arrive without making noise
My love will reach you
I confide my thoughts to a cloud
It will slowly, slowly arrive without making noise
My love will reach you
The whole world will know what I'm thinking of you
Those golden flockѕ аre for you
Ti amo – je t'aime – I love you
Wie ein Sturmwind kamst du in mein Leben
Sagst nicht "prego" und nicht "per favore"
Nahmst mich einfach nur in deine Arme
Und mit dir erst beginnt nun mein Dasein
Denn ich weiß', ich weiß'
Ti amo, je t'aime, I love you
Singt mein Herz bis hinauf zu den Sternen
Es vertraut all mein Glück einer Wolke an
Und der Wind weht sie fort in weite Fernen
Doch die Engel, sie sind meiner Liebe hold
Und bestreuen meine Wolke mit Sternengold
Und die Sonne strahlt wieder die Wolke an
Dass man golden am Himmel es leѕen kann
Ti amo, je t'aime, I love you
Bin verliebt wie noch nie nur in dich, mon chéri
Weil ich dir ganz vertrau', Darling, ciao
Ti amo, je t'aime, I love you
Bin verliebt wie noch nie nur in dich, mon chéri
Weil ich dir ganz vertrau', Darling, ciao
Bin verliebt wie noch nie nur in dich, mon chéri
Weil ich dir ganz vertrau', Darling, ciаo
- Anita Traversi
- Switzerland 1960: Cielo e terra (artist)
- Switzerland 1956: Das alte Karussell (backing)
- Switzerland 1956: Refrain (backing)
- Giovanni Pelli
- Sanzio Chiesa
- Switzerland 1968: Guardando il sole (lyricist)
- Fernando Paggi
- Switzerland 1961: Nous aurons demain (conductor)
- Switzerland 1956: Das alte Karussell (composer, lyricist, conductor)
- Germany 1956: So geht das jede Nacht (conductor)
- Netherlands 1956: Voorgoed voorbij (conductor)
- Switzerland 1956: Refrain (conductor)
- Germany 1956: Im Wartesaal zum großen Glück (conductor)
- Netherlands 1956: De vogels van Holland (conductor)
- Alexandre Burger
- Switzerland 1970: spokesperson
- Switzerland 1969: spokesperson
- Switzerland 1968: spokesperson
- Switzerland 1967: spokesperson
- Switzerland 1966: spokesperson
- Switzerland 1965: spokesperson
- Switzerland 1963: spokesperson
- Switzerland 1962: spokesperson
- Georges Hardy (French)
- Switzerland 1983: commentator
- Switzerland 1982: commentator
- Switzerland 1981: commentator
- Switzerland 1980: commentator
- Switzerland 1979: commentator
- Switzerland 1978: commentator
- Switzerland 1977: commentator
- Switzerland 1976: commentator
- Switzerland 1975: commentator
- Switzerland 1974: commentator
- Switzerland 1973: commentator
- Switzerland 1972: commentator
- Switzerland 1971: commentator
- Switzerland 1970: commentator
- Switzerland 1969: commentator
- Switzerland 1968: commentator
- Switzerland 1967: commentator
- Switzerland 1966: commentator
- Switzerland 1965: commentator
- Switzerland 1963: commentator
- Switzerland 1962: commentator
- Switzerland 1956: commentator
- Theodor Haller (German)
- Switzerland 1983: commentator
- Switzerland 1982: commentator
- Switzerland 1981: commentator
- Switzerland 1980: commentator
- Switzerland 1979: commentator
- Switzerland 1978: commentator
- Switzerland 1977: commentator
- Switzerland 1976: commentator
- Switzerland 1975: commentator
- Switzerland 1974: commentator
- Switzerland 1973: commentator
- Switzerland 1972: commentator
- Switzerland 1971: commentator
- Switzerland 1970: commentator
- Switzerland 1969: commentator
- Switzerland 1968: commentator
- Switzerland 1967: commentator
- Switzerland 1966: commentator
- Switzerland 1965: commentator
- Switzerland 1963: commentator
- Switzerland 1962: commentator
- Switzerland 1961: commentator
- Switzerland 1960: commentator
- Switzerland 1959: commentator
- Switzerland 1958: commentator