10 countries have decided: This song should have won Eurovision 2020
Multiple broadcasters have held their alternative Eurovision 2020 in order to find their winner. Accumulating the points from these countries gives us a hint on who would have won Eurovision Song Contest 2020
With the cancellation of this year's Eurovision Song Contest that was going be held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, many countries decided to present their very own alternative Eurovision 2020.
While some countries prepared multiple shows to present, review and vote for this year's entries, others held simple online polls that would determine a winner.
It is known that no one will ever know who would've taken the Eurovision 2020 trophy home. Nonetheless, if these special programs ended up reflecting Europe and Australia's votes, Daði og Gagnamagnið from Iceland would've won the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 with the song Think About Things giving Iceland its first ever victory.
Results from Eurovision 2020 alternative shows
The points from the 10 countries that held a national voting – via broadcast or online – was transformed into the Eurovision point scale (12 - 10 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 points) and accumulated:
Participating countries
10 countries' results are included in the table. All 10 countries held a national voting – via broadcast or online:
- Australia – ESC 2020: Big Night In (winner: Iceland)
- Austria – Der Kleine Song Contest (winner: Iceland)
- Bulgaria – BNT's mobile app (winner: Switzerland)
- Denmark – Europe Shine a Light (winner: Iceland)
- Finland – Viisukevät 2020 (winner: Iceland)
- Germany – Das deutsche Finale (winner: Lithuania)
- Iceland – Okkar 12 stig (winner: Italy)
- Norway – Norge bestemmer (winner: Iceland)
- San Marino – Una Serata In Musica (winner: Italy)
- Sweden – Sveriges 12:a (winner: Iceland)